Makers in Residence at Surf School Exhibition

30 . 05 . 19

​Running from May 25th through to June 8th 2019, Surf School at The Exchange Gallery in Penzance, Cornwall, is an exhibition of the craft behind surfing. We were delighted to be invited to be a part of the exhibition as Makers in Residence, and so last week we packed up some of the workshop and re-built it in the gallery space at The Exchange, and have been making a wooden surfboard there over the course of the exhibition as well as running demonstrations and a make-your-own handplane workshop session.

The line-up of creative who we are sitting alongside is impressive, and it’s an honour to be sharing the exhibition space with such talent. Many of the other exhibitors are from West Cornwall and it just goes to show the incredible depth of talent within the surf community west of St Ives and Penzance. Photographers Jack Johns, Nick Pumphrey, Dave Muir and James Parry all have their imagery on display (James Parry is also exhibiting a beautiful surfboard that he shaped), writer Pete Geall has some short stories printed on plywood, there are surf films screening (I Knew Jack O’Neill by Hamblin Imagery, a film about Skewjack, the legendary surf village at Sennen, and A Road Through Galicia by Luke Pilbeam) and there is an incredible collection of vintage surfboards hanging on the walls.

There are daily workshops and demos, including how to make surf wax with the team from Bee Bumps Eco Surf Wax, and our make-your-own handplane workshop session is taking place on Friday 31st May between 10:00 and 16:00 – click here to book.

Surf School runs until June 8th at The Exchange, Princes Street, Penzance and is open Monday–Saturday from 10.00–17.00.

First three images courtesy Dave Muir of Sennen Surf Centre (one of the exhibiting artists).  Final four images courtesy of Danny Whear.

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