Monday Morning Surf Club!

10 . 01 . 24

Happy New Year, here’s the first MMSC of 2024 and it was a beauty…

Here’s a surf report from Ally who was in the water filming:

‘It was freezing when we first arrived at the beach, but we were excited to jump in after watching a few chest high sets roll in on the low tide. James has hurt his ankle again, so it was down to our friend Gani to catch a few lefts out in front of the rocks at lushies, and make the most of a beautiful sunrise. As the tide was on the turn there was a fair amount of water moving around making it difficult to line up, and when we did the waves seemed to fatten off after breaking. As the session progressed the banks started to work and the waves walled up nicely, but it was very tricky to get in the right spot to catch them.’

Gani was surfing our 7’2 Coaster.

Bring on next Monday!

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