Monday Morning Surf Club!

18 . 11 . 24

How do you make the best out of sketchy surf?!

We knew having looked at the forecast that this morning might be a tricky one. A bit of swell combined with windy onshores from the North and a short period usually means a bit of a challenge, so we tried to find some shelter wanting to make the best of it!

Chris opted for a surf, while James went for a bellyboard, in conditions that we really couldn’t figure out, and not knowing which craft would be best, made for an interesting session. We started over by the wall in hopes that the set waves would give us some shape, and despite it getting pretty shallow James managed to pull into a meaty one before we all moved over towards the middle of the beach and a shoredump that looked like it might offer some fun rides.

Chris was waiting a while, ducking out of the way of walls of whitewater, but when his wave came he managed 3 turns to the beach, which was amazing given the unruly and unpredictably mushy surf. James and Ally both lucked into a couple of walls before they shut down, all adding up to a fun session and smiles all around!

James and Ally shared our Performance Bellyboard.

Chris surfed his 6’8 Riser Wooden Surfboard.

See you next week!

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