Monday Morning Surf Club!

09 . 12 . 24

With the stormy winds from the weekend still blustering around, we were lucky to find some lovely little peelers!

We took a trip along the coast praying that Godrevy might be able to cope with the Northerly winds, but we weren’t too hopeful, going by experience and last week’s adventure…

Surprisingly we were greeted by well formed peaks with surfable corners, some staying open all the way through the inside. Chris and James did well to fight the rip and stroked into a few waist high drops, nursing the fat sections and taking the high line during hollower moments.

James was surfing his trusty 9’1 Wicket wooden surfboard.

Chris was surfing our 6’4 Woodburner wooden surfboard, perfect for these conditions!

What a great start to the week!

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