Our Wooden Surfboard Workshop Payment Plans

24 . 06 . 24

Did you know that we aim to offer flexible and manageable ways to pay for a wooden surfboard workshop? Find out more here…

We offer a variety of interest free payment plans which are designed to break down the cost of our 5 days wooden surfboard workshops in to manageable chunks over a period of time.

  • 12 months: you can choose to make your payment over 12 months after paying a 10% deposit.
  • 6 months: you can choose to make your payments over 6 months after paying a 20% deposit.
  • 50%: you can choose to pay half the amount as a deposit and pay the balance anytime before the workshop starts.

We are aware that some of these options may not suit everyone, so we can arrange to be flexible with timings and amounts. Sometimes spreading out the payments a little longer is an option, or paying larger amounts on a less regular basis can work.

If you are looking to gift a workshop to a special someone, the payment plan options remain the same, click here to find out more!

We are a small team here, and are available to be contacted over the phone or via email to discuss plans, according to each individual’s needs. We want to make our courses as accessible as possible, so folks can come and enjoy this amazing experience!

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