American Black Walnut is a deep brown colour, almost chocolaty, which turns darker and richer when laminated. It is relatively straight grained and has occasional “birds eye” knots, however it sometimes has anomalies in the grain (such as burr) which make it incredibly popular for woodturning and ornate items. It is most commonly used for veneers (where a thin slice of wood is taken and glued onto a facia to give it the appearance of being solid walnut), decorative panelling, ornate furniture such as chairs or cabinets, and gunstocks. It is a strong, durable wood and one of the few readily available hardwoods that give us a naturally dark colour when laying up the deck and bottom panels of our surfboards. We’re a big fan of American Black Walnut, which is why you’ll see it running down, or parallel to, the centre line of so many of our surfboards and handplanes.