Wooden Surfboard Pick-Up!

31 . 01 . 23

It’s always great to welcome back workshoppers when they come to pick up their freshly finished surfboards, recently Alessandro popped in to take home his 7’2” Coaster

Alessandro made his surfboard with us back in March 2022. His was a memorable workshop, along with Nick and James, many stories were shared and countless cups of coffee consumed! Check out the write up and video of their workshop week below.

Alessandro’s Coaster was completed with a glassed on thruster fin setup and a high gloss finish. It’s a pretty special looking board, not only is the gloss coat absolutely flawless, but the nose and tail blocks feature the deck and bottom skin design details – not often seen in our boards…

We can’t wait to hear how Alessandro gets on with his new wooden surfboard!

If you would like to join us to make your own wooden surfboard click here!

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