First Surf on our 9’6 Pier Wooden Surfboard!

25 . 03 . 25

A fresh new Pier has been resting in our boardrack for a while, waiting for the conditions to align…

It’s not often we get to shape surfboards for personal use, so this was a long time coming for James, who had been wanting to make himself a 9’6 Pier for years, so after receiving it back from our finishers, it was only a matter of time before the first surf was announced!

James drives past the beach on his way to our workshop every morning, so was able to glimpse the swell lines and get a sense of the offshore conditions from the van. By the time he arrived at the workshop he had made up his mind that today would be the day to wax up and paddle out.

By the time we got down to the waters edge we could tell that the waves would be a little bigger and faster at low tide than we had anticipated, but we agreed that it would be a good first test for the Pier, to see how it would fare in typical dumpy Porthtowan conditions.

Getting into the waves nice and early was pivotal and meant that James could set his rail and highline the hollow walls for as long as possible, making the most of whatever rolled in and crashed along the sandbar.

Unfortunately the session was cut short as the camera housing started to leak, giving some of the photos a hazy hue, but hopefully there will be plenty more opportunities to film and plenty more waves for the 9’6 Pier!

For more information on how you can get your hands on a 9’6 Pier, get in touch!

All of our sustainable, hollow wooden surfboards are made using wood from local regenerative woodlands and are intended for a lifetime of waves.

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