New Wooden Surfboard Pick-up!

24 . 01 . 24

At the end of last summer Laurie came by to pick up his freshly finished surfboard, that he had made during one of our ‘make your own’ wooden surfboard workshops…

Day 5 of our wooden surfboard workshop ends with the signing off and stamping of each new creation, before we take a picture outside our big blue doors to celebrate the occasion. This is the last time Laurie will have seen his surfboard for a while, as it is then left with us to take to our finishers for it to be glassed.

Here are some words from Laurie about his experience:

“I recently spent the week with James and the team making my own wooden surfboard and it was one of the most fulfilling, satisfying experiences of my life. I am one of the least hands on, capable people out there, but James was on hand every step of the way and never once did I feel overwhelmed or unable to do it.”

It’s always pretty special to be part of the full circle moment when workshoppers pick up the surfboard they made with us, it signals the completion of the workshop experience and it’s the first time they will see their surfboard glassed and ready for the ocean.

When Laurie arrived to pick up his 9’1 Wicket it was time for a quick catch up and another blue doors picture, then we helped Laurie pick out a fin, slid his surfboard into a bag and waved him off to find some waves!

We can’t wait to hear how Laurie got on with his new wooden surfboard, hopefully we will be able to share some surf stories of his in the future.

If you would like to join us, just like Laurie did, to make your own wooden surfboard, click here!

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