Monday Morning Surf Club!

15 . 05 . 23

Maybe the craziest waves we have bellyboarded?!

Here’s some words from Ally about this mornings session:

“When we turned up at the beach at the bottom of the hill, we really did’t want to get in. There was a fairly strong northerly wind on low tide, which usually doesn’t bode well and involves a hectic rip right to left. We took in a bellyboard as we were pretty confident that if we could luck into the right spot, there would be a rideable wave, although it would be tough to line up with the camera… A lot of paddling later, it was worth it, as we caught a few bouncy ones that stood up nicely!”

Ally and James shared our Performance model bellyboard.

If you would like to come and make your own bellyboard with us, click here!

See you next week for whatever the beach has in store!

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