One Week’s Work in One And A Half Minutes: Andrew and Gareth’s Wooden Surfboard Workshop Experience

22 . 09 . 18

Summing up all of the steps and processes involved in one of our week-long wooden surfboard workshop courses can be a challenge – how does one go from a pile of pieces on a Monday mornning to a finished wooden surfboard by Friday afternoon? At the end of August we were joined by Andrew and Gareth, and Andrew set up an action-camera in the corner of the workshop above his trestles to make a time-lapse recording of his experience. Several workshoppers have attempted this in the past but limitations in battery life and memory card size has often meant that they didn’t manage to capture their entire week, so we were delighted when Andrew sent us a link to his completed edit. If you’ve ever been curious about what happens in one of these weeks, and have one and a half minutes to spare, then click play and let Andrew’s edit fill you in.

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