Monday Morning Surf Club In July!

09 . 08 . 22

A few surprises were in store for us in July, and we thought we would share the fun! Check out how we started our Monday mornings and the conditions we were greeted with at Porthtowan Beach…


Lots of onshore wind on a mid-tide, made for some choppy/dumpy waves. We took our wooden surfboards in to test in the conditions, Chris tore it up on a longboard and a fun surf was had by all!



We have shouted about this Monday morning a fair bit over the past few weeks, you will see why! A truly special experience sharing waves with a dolphin… Check out this journal article we wrote afterwards, after some of our friends gave us some important info on social solitary dolphins.


Excellent 1-2 foot offshore mid-tide conditions with quite a wait between sets, so to make the most of it we chose to take bellyboards in, and sat inside the surfers, catching as many perfect glassy peelers as we could – awesome!

The following week the waves were completely blown out on a low tide and it was bordering on dangerous swim conditions, so, with only Ally showing up – he decided to skip the dip and watch videos from the previous weeks!

Thanks for watching – we love providing everyone with a surf check and sharing our surfs, we know how lucky we are to have the beach at the bottom of the hill!

Till next time…

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