The latest news and stories from our workshop, and beyond.
The latest news and stories from our workshop, and beyond.
This past month it has finally felt as though Summer has arrived here in the south west of the UK - on some days at least! And when we get a high pressure parked over us, with clear, windless, blue skies and small waves, one of the surfboards on the demo rack here at the Otter workshop that barely has a chance to drip-dry between surfs is the Pieces of Eight. Another one of our great all-rounders, at 8'0" x 21 3/4" x 2 3/4" the Pieces of...
This weekend just gone saw the 2nd edition of the Girls 10 Board challenge go down at Godrevy, hosted by the National Trust. The idea of the...
This afternoon Glenn Bowker carefully lined up an inked rubber stamp, paused to take a breath, and then pressed it firmly down onto the deck of the...
"A man who makes things with his hands is a laborer. A man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman. But a man who works with his...
Poplar is a popular choice when we ask customers which hardwoods they would like to have laid up into the deck and bottom skins of their surfboards....
It's that time of year again! We've spent the day helping to put up the signage for all of the Open Studios events that will be happening around Krowji (the creative community space where our workshop is situated) and getting ourselves ready to open the doors tomorrow. Open Studios Cornwall is running from tomorrow, Saturday May 25th, through to Sunday June 2nd and is a week where many artists, makers and creatives across Cornwall open...
It's Friday afternoon which means both blog-time and also, during "build-your-own" workshop weeks, the culmination of a week's hard work and the...
We were delighted to welcome 10xEuropean Longboard Champion Ben Skinner into the workshop this week to get started designing a wooden big wave gun...
The saying goes that it never rains, but it pours. Today feels like one of those days here because so many seeds that we have been planting over...
Let us introduce you, a little more formally, to The Island Hopper. At 7'4" it's the Otter Surfboard's "one board quiver" model, perfect for...
The last few weeks have delivered some really good waves here in the South West of the UK. In fact it's been a winter of note, which is why we've been reminding ourselves here of the importance of just jumping on in. It's easy to get picky about surfing when you can check the waves everyday, and to start pulling any one of a hundred excuses out of your brain to try and justify not pulling on a cold, damp wetsuit with sand smeared across the...
What're you doing next Saturday? We'll be going for a swim in the waves - you should come along too.
Every now and then you see the sort of weather chart that makes you want to drop everything and run to the coast. This weekend, bookended by bank...
It's officially Spring, and that means that for many of us the prospect of being fully immersed in the sea rather than floating above it on a...
Abrasive paper has been around for a long, long, time. Back in the thirteenth century the Chinese, in amongst inventing all sorts of other clever...
Pilot cutters are the vessels that worked the coastline between the Isles of Scilly and Bristol during the latter part of the 19th Century. Their primary role was to deliver local harbour pilots to large ships which they would then manoeuvre safely into port, but they were also used to transport valuable cargoes to shore or when speed was of the essence.
It's always great to get feedback from clients about the boards that we've shaped them, and particularly so when the feedback is accompanied by...
This week we're going to tell you about how we use walnut in our surfboards. You may have noticed how we use hardwood accent strips on the deck and...
This past week has been a busy one in the workshop here at Otter surfboards, and it's been absolutely brilliant. We've been running another one of...
01209 700070
Otter Surfboards, Unit 6
Mount Pleasant Eco Park,
Chapel Hill, Porthtowan,
Cornwall, TR4 8HL
Otter Surfboards 2025
Registered VAT no. 391 7762 58
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